Complete inspections include a thorough written inspection report, with a post inspection walk through with the inspector, client, and/or agent. Video conference calls are available for out of state buyers. Cancelations with less than 48 hours notice are subject to a $125 fee.
48 Hour Continuous Radon Monitoring using Radstar equipment. Includes a stand alone radon report. Not available if property is located >10 miles from metro Portland.
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to schedule a sewer scope at the time of the home inspection, please contact the contractors below. We do not offer scheduling for sewer scopes.
(503) 512-0798
Online Scheduling:
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to schedule a pool inspection, please contact:
(503) 666-2280
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to schedule lead, asbestos, or mold testing, please contact:
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to locate an underground heating oil storage tank, please contact:
(503) 939-9585
Online Scheduling:
(503) 719-6715
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to locate an underground heating oil storage tank, please contact:
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to locate an underground heating oil storage tank, please contact:
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to locate an underground heating oil storage tank, please contact:
Portland Property Inspectors has no affiliation with the following inspection services, but if you'd like to schedule a home energy audit, please contact
(503) 676-6360
Online Scheduling:
Portland Property Inspectors
3144 Northeast 68th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97213, United States